Sunday, 3 February 2013

Super Appy

I will admit that I am not the biggest Football fan, I choose my favourite team based on who has the best looking players. But I am a fan of enjoying appetizers on a Sunday afternoon and that's why I love the Super Bowl.

Today's recipe is a super easy appy that may not be typical Super Bowl fare, but I think that it could quickly become a favourite. Or at least it could quickly become a favourite for ladies like me who watch the games for Tom Brady-esque players and the half time show!

Here's my two ingredient recipe for homemade Cumin Flatbreads, perfect for serving with smoked salmon and cream cheese. 

Cumin Flatebread - serves 6

1 ball of pizza dough
1 tablespoon of cumin seeds
Smoked salmon (optional)
Cream cheese (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees and roll pizza dough out. 

2. Sprinkle pizza dough with cumin seeds and roll your rolling pin over again to ensure the seeds stick well. 

3. Cut into small rectangles and bake on a greased cookie sheet until brown and crisp, about 15 -  20 minutes. 

4. Spread cream cheese onto flatbreads and top with a little smoked salmon or enjoy anyway you like!

I love that you don't have to toast the cumin seeds before baking the flatbread. The oven does this step for you!

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