Thursday 19 May 2011

New Sides Can Make An Old Meal Feel New Again

My boyfriend mentioned to me at dinner the other night that he thought I was making such diverse and yummy meals lately. 

I'm not sure if he put two and two together to notice that all these new additions to my standard meals included cream cheese, but they do. And obviously the reason for that is that I want to stay competitive and hopefully get invited to compete in the finals of the Real Women of Philadelphia! 

I agree with him though. My meals have been much more original and innovative than usual. But it definitely involves some extra imagination and time. 

With these three side dish recipes, hopefully I can save you a little time so that you can please your friends and families and offer new additions to your tables. 

Here is my Philly Curried Cauliflower and Chick Pea Casserole. It ended up with more sauce than I anticipated but the sauce was so good that I was thrilled. Yummy to slurp up or pour over meat. :)

This is a great addition to nights where I don't want to eat pasta and I'm sick of spaghetti squash. It's my standard cream sauce with zucchini instead of pasta or Philly Zucchini Pasta.

Just be careful. I don't know if you'll notice my bandaid in the video but I decided I was really hungry and didn't want to waste a moment, so I didn't use the guard on my mandolin. I managed to slice my thumb in four spots when I was supposed to be slicing just my zucchini. It's kind of deep and it still hurts, almost 24 hours later.  

Oh well, the cuts will heal and now I have a new recipe. And this was the recipe that Luke said must be really fattening because it tasted so good. And it really wasn't bad at all. Philly only has 35 calories per tablespoon and I would have used this sauce on pasta anyway, so this was pretty good for you!

So one last side dish for now. My Philly Potato Pie. Oh bacon, oh cheese, oh tastiness... This one might not look amazing because there's little colour in it, but the smell and the taste is spectacular. 

And if Luke had asked if this side dish was good for you, well I am not sure what my response would have been. 

At least I used the new natural bacon without sodium nitrate? I think that would have been a good start!

Let me know what you think! I can't decide which one will appear on my table next. 

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